Monday 11 October 2010


I haven't been here for a while, must try harder. Turns out having a job, moving house and starting your last year at uni actually eats up some time. Who knew.

I think another reason I haven't been on here for a while is that nothing has really wound me up, so I don't have as much urge to write. One person however is starting to really get on my tits.

Lady Gaga.

Now I never really got the whole Gaga thing. I just, well, don't. I love Glee more than many things but the Gaga episode was lost on me. I admit, she has a couple of decent pop songs and she gets people dancing when they're shit faced but that's as far as my like for her shall stretch. Especially when I had the misery of seeing her in that meat.. dress.

What the fuck was that.

I love fashion, and I'm all about trying new things to a certain extent. I could just about tolerate those fucking ridiculous heels Gaga insists on wearing but when she turns up at a red carpet event looking like a pack of beef jerky decided to don a wig, I have issues. Even if it wasn't real, it was fuggers, and I don't have time for that shit thank you.

No doubt some Gaga obsessed nutter will see this and plot my death because I've spoken poorly of such an amazing creature. Maybe some other fan will feel smug; she's got me talking so she's won. Well she hasn't won, I'm still daydreaming about hiding her in a room and never letting her in public in those INSANE outfits again. She reminds me of the dickhead at the party that wants to be random for no reason. Stop killing my buzz.

In all, poor person's Madonna with very very bad taste. And if that dress was real, which I really hope it wasn't, I pity the poor sod that sat next to her that evening after the dress started to smell grim.

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